Feb 27 – March 1, 2025
The Cinch Timed Event Championship of the World debuted in 1985 as an event that would showcase the all-around cowboy, the cowboy who could excel in multiple events, and thus the “Ironman of Pro Rodeo” was born. Pro rodeo’s top timed event cowboys in the world are invited and required to compete in all five timed events—heading, tie-down, heeling, steer wrestling, and steer roping—over five rounds & three grueling days of competition. While there have been a few minor changes over the years, the event has essentially remained the same. With a total purse over $200,000, the winner walks away with a $100,000 paycheck and bragging rights. The Timed Event Champion of the World remains an elusive title that only a select few can claim! Mark your calendars now for the 2025 event: February 27th thru March 1st! Tickets go on sale on November 27th, 2024.